Paul Rudolph & His Architecture
What We Value: Two Lessons in Historic Modernism: What Will We Learn from Them?
Design Activists: Raise Your Flag High!
Riverview High School, Sarasota, FL, 1957-1958
Riverview High School, Sarasota, Florida. Sunscreen. Elevation and detail. Blueprint
Riverview High School, Sarasota, Florida. Section. Sketch
Riverview High School, Sarasota, Florida. Typical bay. Elevation and section. Rendering
Riverview High School, Sarasota, Florida. Courtyard. Photograph
Riverview High School, Sarasota, Florida. Elevation. Sketch
Riverview High School, Sarasota, Florida. Perspective. Sketch
Riverview High School, Sarasota, Florida. Elevation and perspective. Sketch