“Spinwinder” piece in progress
Title | "Spinwinder" piece in progress |
Author(s) | Bertrand, Carolyn |
Type of Publication | Newspaper Article |
Publication Name | The Torch |
Volume | 38 |
Number | 1 |
Pagination | 18 |
Place of Publication | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth |
Year of Publication | 1991 |
Date of Publication | September-22 |
Language | eng |
Abstract | The "Spinwinder" is a sculpture installed by American artist Nancy Holt that pays homage to the university's roots in textile education. Its located at the front of the campus near the Dion building. |
Notes | "The Torch" is the student newspaper at UMass Dartmouth. |
Keywords | 1930s, 1960s, Nancy Holt, North Dartmouth MA, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth/SMTI, |