Thomas, Jack. Boston Globe, 2004. (Newspaper Article)
Chronological List of Works by Paul Rudolph 1946-1974
Architecture and Urbanism, 1975. (Magazine Article)
Thrush, George. Boston Globe, 2007. (Newspaper Article)
Form, function, future: Getting past problems with the recent past
Young, Dwight. Preservation: the magazine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2007. (Magazine Article)
Hotel de Ville de Syracuse, USA -City Hall at Syracuse, USA
L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 1967. (Magazine Article)
Hotel de Ville, Syracuse, NY – Syracuse Town Hall, New York
Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 1965. (Magazine Article)
Loving care for a Brutalist giant: Yale renovation holds lessons for Boston City Hall
Campbell, Robert. Boston Globe, 2008. (Newspaper Article)